Christina Connor / Tutty / Hamilton

This is a selection of pictures sent back from USA by Christina Connor. Many, if not all, of these pictures have messages or notes written on the back by Christina or Walter Tutty, her first husband. I will not go into lots of detail on Christina on this post as it is more about getting the pictures published for people to see. The first picture, taken in Vancouver, was found amongst the box of pictures pased on to me when my mum (Janette Price – Janet Sinclair) passed away. It looked so like my mum when she was young that I had to do a double take.

Christina was born in Blinkbonny, Scotland in 1892 and the family moved to Carluke some time before 1901. She then emigrated first to Canada in 1912 at age 20 and then across the border to USA in 1915. She married Walter Tutty around 1915 eventually divorcing him in 1927. She then married Alexander Williamson Hamilton of Glasgow before settling down and having, to my knowledge, an only daughter.

Christina sent back lots of pictures to family in Carluke and some of these are below. One name that keeps popping up in Christina’s pictures is Maud. It appears that Maud was a close friend who not only travelled with her, but visited Christina’s family in Scotland at some point.

If you are related to anyone in the pictures, let me know and if you would like copies of the pictures and scans of the back, I can email them on to you.